About Us
We happen to be tech savvy traders!
We are a financial services website dedicated in providing research on Stock Earnings via our Volatility Predictive Model* which predicts price movement after Earnings are released.
Selectively screened list of stocks:
These appear on our upcoming notable Earnings matrix on the basis that they have the following criteria:
• Market Cap is more than 1B
• Avg Daily Volume is more than 1M
• % Volatility derived from our Predictive Model is more than 5%
• Stocks are traded on only either Nasdaq or NYSE
• Stock prices are more than $5
Enhanced Earnings Calendar:
It becomes very difficult to filter Company Earnings for tracking and trading especially when more than 100 companies are releasing Earnings on the same day. Our Enhanced Earnings calendar allows users to filter Earnings based on:
• Estimated Price Change after Earnings
• Avg Daily Volume
• Stock Price
• Market Cap
More importantly, we provide three years worth of Earnings history which includes:
• Closing price before Earnings
• Closing price and % after Earnings
• Closing price and % after seven days
Earnings Screener Tool:
The Screener tool is made by traders for Event, Options, Gap, Position Traders and more. Our tool allows users to screen Company Earnings using:
• Earnings Date/Time
• Estimated Price Change Next Day and after Seven Days
• Market Cap
• Avg Daily Volume
• Stock Price
• Options Type
Of course with three years worth of Earnings history which includes:
• Closing price before Earnings
• Closing price and % after Earnings
• Closing price and % after seven days
Earning News:
Tired of going to too many News websites for Earnings related news you need to read? Well here is your one stop shop for all your Earnings related news!
*Proprietary Volatility Prediction Model (PVPM)
Our model takes into account approximately 40 indicators when calculating price reaction in stocks after public companies release their Earnings.
It predicts that the stock price will at least move to % in either direction by the end of next regular trading session** after Earnings are released and not necessarily the closing volatility %.
**Proprietary volatility prediction model trading sessions: ion model trading sessions:
AFTER-HOUR EARNINGS: 1. After-Hours Trading session 2. Next Pre-hour Trading Session 3. Next Regular Trading Session
PRE-HOUR EARNINGS: 1. Next Pre-hour Trading Session 2. Next Regular Trading Session